12 marble staircases for flagship store

Burberry, Regent Street, London

Burberry’s roots are in Basingstoke, where our company is based, so this project had a special resonance when we were chosen to manufacture and install the Corinthian Beige marble for the 12 staircases at the flagship Burberry store in London.

Solid stone would have been too heavy for the load-bearing limits of the Grade II listed building so the staircases were built out of steel and then clad in marble.

Work in progress on one of the staircases

Underside of the staircases also clad in marble

Exterior of Burberry London

Steve Vanhinsbergh commented “This was a complicated job for an important project.  The fact that Burberry and stoneCIRCLE share the same geographical roots gave it an added significance for the company”.

Architectural drawing of staircases for Burberry Shanghai

The expertise and advanced technology required for the construction of this sort of staircase, meant that we were also commissioned to provide the curved strings for the staircases that were installed in Burberry’s Shanghai store.

project details

  • client: Burberry

  • contractor: EDM

  • material: Corinthian Beige


marble fit for a king


a marble haven for beauty